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Home > Moorings > Regulations
Home > Moorings > Regulations



The following rules have been drawn up to give all members a fair and equal use of Club facilities. Failure to follow these instructions will probably inconvenience other members and may result in sanctions against the offending member.

A Club member bringing a craft of any description on to the Club's property or into contact with facilities provided by the Club shall be deemed to acknowledge a contractual obligation with the Club to discharge facility fees levied from time to time and to comply with the following regulations and such additional or amended regulations as may be exhibited upon the Club premises from time to time.


1. Boats may not be brought onto the Club Premises without permission.

2. Members are responsible for the tidiness and cleanliness of areas occupied by them. Such areas when vacated must be left completely clear and tidy. If the area is not cleared, labour will be engaged and the offending member charged with the cost.

3. Mains Electricity on site is provided for use of power tools and lighting only. Cables must be disconnected and removed when the owner is not on Club premises.

4. ELECTRIC WELDERS may only be used by written permission of the Moorings Committee.

5. Permission by the Club to use a facility or allocation of a mooring site shall not in any way imply a warranty on the part of the Club as to the suitability or safety of such facility or mooring site or any existing materials or equipment therewith. A member using any facility or mooring site shall be deemed to be satisfied as to its suitability and safety.

6. Every member using Club facilities and mooring sites shall indemnify and save harmless the Club, its members, servants, agents or visitors from any costs, claims or damages howsoever directly arising.

7. All boats must display names.

8. Members are reminded that there are no facilities for emptying chemical toilets on the Club's premises. It is the members' responsibility for such disposal elsewhere. Rubbish can be disposed of in the industrial bins provided to the west of the car park.

MOORINGS (Trot, Staging and Rill)

1. A "mooring space only" is allocated for a members vessel. The member is responsible for supplying, installing and maintaining either the ground tackle and warps etc. for trot moorings, or the jetty / staging and associated mooring warps etc. for bankside moorings.

2. All tenancies terminate on the 31st December, fees payable in advance.

3. Moorings may be used by Club Members only and are not transferable between members.

4. Moorings are allocated to a particular boat and a member may not put another boat on that mooring without permission of the Moorings Committee.

5. Craft occupying Club moorings must not be used as places of residence.

6. Moorings not used for a period of 2 years may be reallocated by the Moorings Committee.

7. All moorings are subject to inspection and approval of the Moorings Committee.


Craft must be moored fore and aft using minimum 3/8in.chain, with rope tails and fitted to a screw eye. Note: the use of 'bridles' in the creek bed is not permitted by the PLA. The length of chain is to be specified by the Moorings Committee.The buoy line must be of sinkable material. The single centrally positioned mooring buoy must be clearly marked with the number of the mooring. Chains, ropes and buoy to be provided by the owner. Charges are based on length of boat plus 4 feet. Chains, ropes and buoy must not be removed from moorings.


1. Stagings must be constructed in accordance with the plans available from the Moorings Committee and the main uprights dug at least 4 feet into the creek bed. The building / maintenance of the staging (including the supply of all materials) is the responsibility of the owner.

2. Stagings must be positioned as instructed by the Moorings Committee and may not be more than 6 feet above the height of the Saltings.

3. Stagings not constructed or positioned as instructed may have to be taken down.

4. Bow, stern and 2 springs must be used for mooring. All lines must be secured to the shore.

5. Charges are levied on the length of boat.


Rill Moorings may be allocated by special permission of the Moorings Committee.


(Ashore, Mud Berths, Saltings)

1. Club facilities, slipway, winch, tractor, trolleys, etc are available for the benefit of all members, but plant may only be operated by personnel authorised by the Moorings Committee. Application for boat movements must be made on the appropriate form to the Moorings Committee giving at least 2 weeks' notice. Members may not use these facilities without the permission of the Moorings Committee and a member of the Moorings Committee must be present when launching or hauling out is taking place.

2. The Moorings Committee reserve the right to require owners to move their boats to an alternative position if they deem this necessary.


1. Club Trolleys are available through the Moorings Committee for the use of members. Members are, however, strongly recommended to provide their own trolleys. Keel boats must have a suitable cradle.

2. All cradles and trolleys are subject to inspection by the Moorings Committee for suitability for use on Club grounds. Any member attempting to use a cradle or trolley which has been deemed unsuitable, will have his application to move, launch or haul out refused. It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that his cradle or trolley is completely suitable and if necessary, advice should be sought from the Moorings Committee.

3. The owner must prepare the trolley and report to the Beachmaster at least three hours before high water. The owner must provide sufficient labour for the intended operation.

4. All gear must be restored immediately after use.

5. Boats laid up ashore must be securely chocked. When trolleys are removed, boats should be lowered to a safe height, preferably with the keel not more than 12 in. above the ground.

6. Members with boats occupying mud berths or laid up on the saltings must not dig out berths or erect structures without permission of the Moorings Committee.


1. A limited amount of space is available for members to build or complete part built boats. Written application must be made to the Moorings Committee giving estimated start and finish dates and details of the craft.

2. Boats may not be brought onto the Club Premises without written permission from the Moorings Committee.

3. Contractors/Sub-Contractors may not be engaged to carry out work on Club premises without written agreement of the Moorings Committee.

4. A member may after completion of two year's membership, apply for building space. From date of launching, a further 3 years period is required before another project can be undertaken.

5. No electric heaters may be used except by permission of the Moorings Committee.

6. Members wishing to protect their craft with anything other than the usual boat cover must first obtain permission from the Moorings Committee.


This facility is intended to enable members to load and unload boats, and to give all members an equal chance should be used for short stay (thirty minutes) only.

Members wishing to lay alongside for a longer period must first obtain the permission of a member of the Moorings Committee.


Loading and unloading of craft should be from the bare and short stay staging, and not from the slipway. Members wishing to lay on the slipway must first obtain permission from a member of the Moorings Committee.


1. Dinghy Park spaces are allocated to members. The Dinghy Captain must be notified in writing if members either require a space or change their boat.

2. Either the boat's name or sail number must be clearly marked on hull to provide identification.

3. All dinghies must be adequately tied down; preferably be using stakes into the ground.

4) Member are required to keep their allocated dinghy space tidy, free from weeds or debris and with the grass cut where appropriate.

USE OF BYC OWNED ROAD TRAILERS "ON PUBLIC HIGHWAYS" (dinghy and rowing boat trailers etc)

When using a club trailer to transport club or personally owned boats the following will apply:


  • All members / users must comply with road trailer and towing laws and rules.
  • All members / users are responsible for ensuring the trailer is roadworthy suitable for road use.
  • The member / user must provide a suitable lighting board with their registration number plate etc.
  • All boats / loads must be securely and safely tied down / fastened to the trailer.


  • Please note that whilst towing a club trailer and whilst attached to the towing vehicle, the trailer with club boats or personally owned boats, the third-party liability insurance is covered by the towing vehicle's insurance.
  • Any material damage to the trailer or boat belonging to the club is covered by the club's insurance. Any material damage to personally owned boats/belongings is not covered by the club's insurance.
  • This is a legal requirement and cannot be varied or amended.

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