BYC Sailing Instructions
G1: "Club" races will be governed by the "Racing Rules of Sailing" (RRS), the prescriptions of the Royal Yachting Association (RYA), the rules of each "Class" concerned and the additional / amended rules contained in these Sailing Instructions.
G2: Yachts will be handicapped in accordance with the RYA "Portsmouth Yardstick Scheme". Handicaps will be allocated by the Sailing Committee and may be adjusted at any time. Any person requiring a handicap, must inform the Race Officer or Sailing Secretary before the event. Any person objecting to a handicap must do so in writing to the Sailing Committee.
G3: Outright Trophies can only be won by Benfleet Yacht Club Members, with the exception of trophies offered for competition in Open Events.
G4: Identification on Sails: RRS Rule 77 does not apply.
G5.1: Any yacht that alters her sails, hull or its trim after being handicapped, must notify the Sailing Secretary in writing for reassessment of its handicap before racing again, otherwise she shall be disqualified.
G5.2: A yacht competing in a "Points Series", shall not be materially changed during that series.
G6: Scoring system for Dinghy & Cruiser "points series races": The low points scoring system, RRS Appendix A2 will apply, with the exception that Appendix A5 will replace the second paragraph of A2.2 see also "additional Dinghy or Cruiser instructions" below.
G7.1: The safety of a boat and her entire management including insurance shall be the sole responsibility of the owner or person in charge who must ensure that the boat and crew are adequate to face the conditions that may arise in the course of the race. Neither these sailing instructions nor any inspection of the boat limits or reduces the absolute responsibility of the owner / person in charge for the crew, the boat and her management. The race organisers (Benfleet Yacht Club) shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, death or personal injury howsoever caused to the owner / person in charge or crew, as a result of their taking part in any race(s). Moreover, every owner / person in charge warrants the suitability of the boat for the race or races.
G7.2: Attention is drawn to the RYA safety requirements and their recommendations regarding insurance.
CR1: Unless otherwise specified in the Racing Entry Instructions, to be eligible for entry into BYC cruiser racing, a yacht must have a fixed cabin and a minimum of two permanent berths.
CR2: Race Entry Forms will be posted on the "Sailing Notice Board". Late or incomplete entries will only be accepted at the discretion of the Race Officer.
CR3: Details of Course, Start and Finish will be advised on the Race Entry form. Courses may be altered up to the up to the Warning Signal.
CR4.1: Starting Signals: Races will be started using RRS rule 26 with the Warning Signal given 5 minutes before the starting signal.
- Signal Flag and sound
- Warning Class flag & 1 sound* - 5 minutes before start.
- Preparatory P flag & 1 sound* - 4 minutes before start.
- One-minute Preparatory flag removed & 1 long sound *
- Starting Class flag removed & 1 sound *
CR4.2: * = RRS Rule 25 & 26 will apply with the exception that Signals "may" be made by sound only.
CR4.3: Starting Penalties: no part of RRS Rule 30 will apply.
CR4.4: Starting Recall Signals: RRS Rule 29 will apply, with the exception that signals will be made by a sound only; one sound for an individual recall, two for a general recall. Each competitor shall ensure that they have started correctly.
CR5: Race Timing: In the absence of a Race Officer / Committee boat at the finish line, competitors shall time themselves over the finish line and advise the Race Officer as soon as possible.
CR6: Time Limit:- Rule 35 of the RRS will not apply unless advised otherwise on the Race Entry form.
CR7: Points Series Scoring: Points from "two" races (with the worst case scores) will be discarded from the total. Points series races are defined in the BYC Sailing programme.
CR8: Protest time limit: Protests must be submitted to the Race Officer or Sailing Secretary within '24 hours' after the last boat finishing the race. This amends RRS Rule 63.1
D1: The Race Entry form will be available on the day of the race. All competing boats must be entered at least 20 minutes prior to the start of the race. Late or incomplete entries will only be accepted at the discretion of the Race Officer.
D2: Race Course(s) and Start Time(s) will be advised on the day of the race.
D3.1: Starting Signals: Races will be started using RRS rule 26 with the Warning Signal given 5 minutes before the Starting signal.
- Signal Flag and sound
- Warning Class flag & 1 sound - 5 minutes before start.
- Preparatory P flag & 1 sound - 4 minutes before start.
- One-minute Preparatory flag removed & 1 long sound.
- Starting Class flag removed & 1 sound
D3.2: Starting Penalties: no part of RRS Rule 30 will apply.
D3.3: Unless stated otherwise on the Race Entry form, all dinghy classes will start simultaneously. When separate class starts apply (ie: Fast & Slow handicap), the Warning Signal for each succeeding class shall be made with the starting signal of the preceding class.
D3.4: Starting Recall Signals: RRS Rule 29 will apply, with the exception that signals will be made by a sound only; one sound for an individual recall, two for a general recall. Each competitor shall ensure that they have started correctly.
D4: Starting Line: Unless advised otherwise on the race entry form, the starting line will be a line between the flagstaff in front of the race hut and the Green Distance Mark buoy marked 'DM' moored on the opposite side of the deep water channel. The start line may be extended beyond the distance mark at the Race Officers discretion. Starting will be in a West to East direction.
D5: Finish Line: Unless advised otherwise on the Race Entry form, the Finish Line shall be same as the start line but finishing in a 'East' to 'West' direction.
D6: Time Limit:- Rule 35 will not apply unless advised otherwise on the Race Entry form.
D7: Points Series Scoring: Points from "one" race (with the worst case score) shall be discarded from each series of at least three races. Points series races are defined in the BYC Sailing Programme.
D8: Personal Buoyancy: RRS Rule 40.1 shall apply, with the exception that flag 'Y' need not be displayed. Competitors shall, at all times whilst racing, wear suitable Personal Buoyancy. Failure to comply will result in disqualification.
D9: Protest time limit: in line with RRS Rule 63.1 - "within 2 hours of the last boat finishing the race".
D10: Support Boat cover will be provided during club racing times "when possible". Where Support Boat cover is provided, the club still do not accept any responsibility for accidents, injury or death to competitors, or damage to their craft, whilst racing. The decision to race is the responsibility of the competitor and their crew.
D11: It is recommended that all dinghies taking part in Club Races should have:-
a) Oars or at least one paddle.
b) An anchor of sufficient weight to hold the boat against the tide.
c) A suitable length of rope to act as an anchor warp or painter when necessary (not part of the boats rigging).
d) A bucket or bailer.